E Fichna Journal

Thursday, June 14, 2007


I love doing Visual stuff more then audio. I like taking photographs, or at times edit them. Ever since I was little, I have always liked taking photographs. I never took a photo until I think it is right. Later one when I got to college we did Photography as part of the Multimedia course. All the photos we took were black and white. I also got to develop them in a dark room and used the liqiuds (can't remember what they were called) to develop them. Had to be careful thought cause the longer you leave it in the light, the brighter it got and ruins it.

Going to bring these to the presentation.

I also did some in my spare time. Last summer me and my family went to Tycross Zoo and I took a few pictures there. Then I used Photoshop to brighten the photos.

Guardian Owl by ~WaterEmi on deviantART

Groundhogs "Plz Read" by ~WaterEmi on deviantART

They are all off my deviantart account.

I also like editing photographs. Heres everything about that here:


I think photography is liked the filming. Before you start a film, you need to take photos for research.


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