Animation Test
I actually had ago at doing a animation in my spare time. I wanted to see if I can do one without the use of Flash. It took alot longer then I would have done in flash, but I am very proud of it.
I mainly use Photoshop 7, Primere Element 4.0 and Movie maker. I used movie maker to take frame by frame stills of a character walking, running etc. Then I drew over them in photoshop and saved them as psd so the background behind the characters are invisable. I then created the backgrounds serpertaly. I then imported them in to primere elements and added it all together.
Time it took about from July till Now (been very busy).
Here's screenshot of the program with animation in.
Animation is based of the anime ending Soul Eater, but the characters I used are from my favourite game Kingdom hearts 2.
Shows you don't need Flash to do all animations ^_^. (I love how to solve doing stuff differently.)
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