E Fichna Journal

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Adobe Premiere Elements 4

I got Adobe Premiere Elements 4 last month, and it has helped me out a lot.

The booklet you get with it helps you use the program to its full use. It is also very similar to Premiere pro at the university. Only difference is that you don’t have to go through the different menus to get one thing, it’s there on the front for you to just right click and use. Also the area isn’t cluttered. You may notice this, but there is no extra video window for you to edit with before dragging it down to the main timeline. That’s because I just have to right click the regular file in the organizer folder and bring it up. This helps make the space less messy and you can se your edits better on a bigger screen.

Here is the anime music video I am working on at the moment to D gray man. It's about 60% done so far.

And here's one I did are a practice with still images from a game.

This helpped me alot for the documentary we did.


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