E Fichna Journal

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Schedule for filming

Haven't fully finished yet, but heres a exsample so far. This is for my 6 minute movie.

List of tasks

Ideas – 6 hours

Research – 3 Days

Script first draft – 6 hours
Script feedback 1 – 2 hours
Script final – 4 hours

Storyboard/frameforge – 5 hours

Find Actors –
Auditions - 2 hours

Find Location –
Draw/describe costumes – 4 hours
Find costumes – 4 hours
Order costumes – 15 minutes

Collect costumes 1 week to 2

Costumes/outfits – 1 weeks

Health and safety – 1 Day

Find people to help: 3 Days

Create Call out Sheet – 2 Days

Book Equipment – 1 hour

Rehearse – 3 hours/day before shoot

Shoot Film – 3 Days

Edit pilot - 4 days to 1 week



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