E Fichna Journal

Monday, October 15, 2007

AVD Task 1

We was asked to watch 30 seconds from a movie of our choice. I choose my favourite movie 'Interview with the Vampire.'


The music was very calm and creepy at the same time. I like this because it keeps in theme of the horror movie.
The added sounds of the wildlife around him was a added touch to the scene and made you think whats is going on inside his head, as he spoke to you. When the music changes with the close up of the sunrise, it makes you feel like it's your last time seeing the sunrise, just like him.


Even though the sun is about to rise, it still looks very dark in this scene. It's to keep in theme of the movie being dark and scary. I like how you can just barely see the sun coming up. The twisted trees make the scene look busy and show what his mind is like at the moment.


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