E Fichna Journal

Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm alive

My god haven't updated this in ages. Haven't really had anything worth to put up. Got results YAY I pass. Looking forward to the final year. Ok during the summer holidays I have mainly been working, but a few weeks back I went to Amecon 08 (which was a anime convention). I loved the whole weekend, it was a blast. Meet so many amazing people.

Sunday night was the cosplay ball. I filmed the night and when I got home made a music video of it. Nic started editing this and I finished it off. I also added the sprakles and logo.

Nic 0:00 to 1:39
Me 1:39 to 3:51

Also got more videos from the convention here: http://uk.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=CrazyLuffProduction&p=r

Also started planning my research project. I decided to do something with a bit of animation and filming combined. Let u know when I think more into it. Just after my last project disaster I don't want to work with actors no more -_-. Was so stressed out.

Moving to Nottingham soon too. Sharing a flat with Hannah from animation.

Anyway I'll update soon with Uni realeted work. Until then BYE.