E Fichna Journal

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Artifact 3

For this one I looked in to why people create their own versions of popular videos. They sometimes use special effects or editing.

Here one exsample:


Here is someone who created their own ringtone effect to this video.


Another great exsample would be the popular boost in copying a clip and redrawing it with your own favourite characters.

For exsample there are alot of rip offs from anime endings being redrawn. I too did this back in november.

Here is the real ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygHAupgM0BM

And here is the fake one I created: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ly5jFL6OPLI&fmt=18

I did this cause it looked alot of fun plus I wanted my own version of the ending. I also wanted people to go and watch the anime I based this ending off and it kind of worked.

EnergyEmber (1 month ago)
"I've never watched Soul Eater before, but after seeing this animation I decided to give it a try, and now I'm hooked.Great job!"

There are also other rip offs of famous singers Like Micheal Jackson.

Like Weird Al Yankovich version of "I'm Bad", renamed "I'm Fat"

I have looked at alot of videos and I think there are three reason why people do spoofs. One is just for fun and second to try and promto that seires. Thrid woould be to see if they can make a better version using the special effects they have.


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