E Fichna Journal

Friday, November 21, 2008

Download link for Simulated Project

Download link for Video and Information.

When you click it you write the letter they give you in the top right hand corner and click download. Wait for the timer and when that done you click download again. Save to desktop and you are done.


I put this up just incase something goes wrong with the disc.


Simulated Client project (Editing the film)

Well I finally finshed editing the video at the last minute -_-. I have had a horrible week with this. Last Tuesday was the only day the people who I want to be part of the film was free. So we all got together and I took loads of photos and it turned out great. Then Wednesday morning I was told by one of the people that they don't want to be in it nomore and really yelled at me to not do the photo with him in. So I only had a few days and had to think up a brand new way to film everything.

I finally came up with the idea to take photos again, but from the drunk persons point of view. So I went back to the pub with a friend who was going to be mr hands and legs and re took photos.

I'm glad it happened cause I think the film makes more sence now.

I now had to edit the photos to make it look like a drunken view.

What I did here was I imported the photos in to Adobe Primere elemnts on my laptop used blur to blur the pictures into each other. I then saved it as a avi and imported in again and used Camera view effect to make it move. The sounds I record at the pub outside on my camera since I didn't have the right recorder. But I edited the sonud and got it has clear as possible. It was my first real go at editing sound and I think I did a good job of it.


Client project Research

I have been doing some research for my ideas on how to do the Anti drinking video. Here are a few videos I think are really good.


These two is from New Zealand


This is the one that made me think of doing one based on friends.


Client Project

Produce a piece of multimedia that can be used to support a public information campaign. Cover ONE of the following categories.

Climate Change
Sexual Health
Healthy Living

Proposals for Audio/visual project proposals should contain the following:
  • Introduction to the project gives an overview of the multimedia problem.
  • A treatment that justifies the artistic and techinical solutions offered to solve the problem.
  • Production plans that justifies the allocation of time and resources for the project.
  • Visualisations that show how your AV work will look and feel.

    For this product I decided to do a Healthy living becuase I find it very interseting
    and there are some aspects of it that have not been covered yet.

    I choose to based this on Drinking sensible with friends.I am aiming it mainly at
    studunts, but it can be show to people age 15 and up. I want mine to be different.
    Instead of showing what will happen to you, I want to show what could happen to a
    friend you know drink to much.
    I think it's important for people to know when they think a friend is uncapble of
    making it home safe or knowing they had to much to drink. There are all these
    videos basedon know your limit, but never on know your friend limit. So I want to
    try somethingdifferent.

    I'm going to start off with a happy feel to the video until it suddenly becomes a shock.
    I'm going to do this by having two friends on a night out. All you see are the photos
    off the night out and their voices dubbed over it all happy and having a great time.
    Then when it fades at the end all your here is the accident, hospital or funernal
    words (not sure yet). When it fades back out you'll see the girl looking at the photo
    on her laptop. That's the idea I got so far.
    I want it to make people think "I don't want this to happen to my friend".

    I'm mainly going to use photos off a camera and then at the end a short clip with
    the camcorder for the video. Going to make it colourful at the begining and then
    dark and gloomy at the end.

    This year I'm going to challege myself with something I haven't really tried before
    and looking forward to making this.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Animation Test

I actually had ago at doing a animation in my spare time. I wanted to see if I can do one without the use of Flash. It took alot longer then I would have done in flash, but I am very proud of it.

I mainly use Photoshop 7, Primere Element 4.0 and Movie maker. I used movie maker to take frame by frame stills of a character walking, running etc. Then I drew over them in photoshop and saved them as psd so the background behind the characters are invisable. I then created the backgrounds serpertaly. I then imported them in to primere elements and added it all together.

Time it took about from July till Now (been very busy).

Here's screenshot of the program with animation in.

Animation is based of the anime ending Soul Eater, but the characters I used are from my favourite game Kingdom hearts 2.

Shows you don't need Flash to do all animations ^_^. (I love how to solve doing stuff differently.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Filming went wrong.

Well I finally got everything ready for film, went to the location and what happend. I forgot my camera -_-. I'm not too worried though cause I can take photos that I need next tuesday but will only have a few days to edit it all. Good thing I got all Wednesday off.

I finished my story board a while back.


I'm finally logged in.

Sorry I changed my password and forgot it a few days later. But today I finally found the piece of paper with it on.
