E Fichna Journal

Thursday, December 14, 2006

My interests in Image Manipulation

I love creating things out of different images. It's easy to do once you know how to use photoshop's filters and blending effects.

Heres one I did within 20 minutes. I just grabbed some images off google and messed around with them, to create this. I was trying to see how to add texture to skin and making it apart of that body.

Plus I like to do simple ones like this. Inspired by David Hockney's photo artwork. It's a fold out of my bedroom. The dolphin curtains are gone now. I took these photos last march, while I was at college. I think it is ok for my first go.

I hope to one day create images like this :

(Will write more soon)


Blogger joolsayodeji said...

whose work is it that you would like to create images like ? would like to see more that this person has done.

1:29 PM  

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