E Fichna Journal

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Big step back in film project.

Just found out I got to reshoot the film again becuase of the sound. The sound is in really bad quailty and it sounded alright to me on the headset, but came out horrible on computer. This project is stressing me out.

Anyway im trying to see if I can sort out the sound without having to re-edit it. But if I have to I'll have to get different actors and that will take time. Have to do the polit with the clips I got and refilm it all after the holidays for final film.

Really need to talk to Jools or Deb about this course.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Bus Stop (photos of chosen location)


Monday, February 25, 2008

Filming update. (The Bus Stop)

I finally got someone to play as Amanda for my film. She's not a train actress but she'll have to do on sort notice. We are filming tomorrow from 10 am till 3 pm just up the road for waverly.

The weather is going to be abit windy, but dry.

I just hope everything goes well tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Schedule for project done.


Schedule is finally done.


Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Bus Stop Drafts

My story is about how it's wrong to stereotype people by their looks, and also it's not so bad to get to know someone who is different to you.


Here are the drafts for my script so far. I got about 3 different version. After my seminar on friday with Jools said he really like the script, but I have to much talking in to it. Plus I made the characters become friend instatly, so I had to make it so they kind of know eachother from college but never really meet. So I change the script alot to suit this.
