E Fichna Journal

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Dreamweaver website done.

I have finally finished my project and here's the coding and pages to prove it.

You can view the website here:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dreamweaver project (pick your favourite place)

First time in my life I am actually enjoying Javascript. In the past when I did National Diploma Multi media at College, I could never remember the coding or get my head around it. It was always confusing to me. But my tutor for this project has really explained the coding so clearly that I can understand some of it. There are still things that I don't understand at all, but i do know the basics of Javascript now. The project is going very smoothly and I will have it done in time. Just need to ask my tutor one more thing that I don't know how to sort out and I can do this project on time.

For this project we had to pick our favourite place in Nottingham and do a interactive story to it. I don't have a favourite place in Nottinghma because its my first time here at University and I travel here everyday from my home town. So I picked my favourite place in my home town. I took photos from my house all the way to my favourite place. I done to routes to the place, so the user will have more fun and more to do on here. Now I just started creating the website, so I haven't thought up a lot of things to do yet. But I doing to have a number a questions and puzzles for the user to do, so they can get to the next part of the route.

I can't wait to learn more about Javascript, but I still hate the coding for Flash.

Narrative update

I should have started this at the begining. This is my update on how we are doing on the narrative project so far.

  • We all came up with the story together. We decided on doing a story about a man who is in depression and is always thinking about his dead girl friend. Then at the end of the film you got to chose if he takes the drugs at the end or he doesn't. We want people to be shocked and come to their own conclusion at the end of the film. We are going for a dark theme to the movie and also going to have flashbacks of memories that will be in bright colours, but with echoed sounds, so the viewers will know it is a dream.
  • We then did a brief for the story
  • We then had to make a presentation to Deborah Tuck and Andy Love on our movie idea. We divide ourselves in to “who does what” and practiced the presentation. I was very scared, because I have stage fright and my heart wouldn’t stop shaking. But I got up and said my piece. We tried to make the story a secret, because we didn’t want to spoil the ending, but that was where we screwed up. We were to tell them about the story from start to end. As they was telling us and other groups what went wrong, I wrote it all down so next time we will be ready.
  • We then started filming and now are half way. We should be finishing filming Friday 17th November and start editing the movie 20th November.
  • If we stick to this time, we should have a finished movie ready to be handed in on Thursday 30th November on Week 18.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Response has been excepted

My response has been excepted by William.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

My reply to "Ask A GAY MAN : Denim Edition"

This is my reply to William's blog on Denim. I thought was really good. Has some great humour in it and advice. He also has other fashion tips as well, so go and check his site out.

Ask A GAY MAN : Denim Edition

My Reply.

I filmed this while I was at home on my digital camera. The file played alright on my computer, but when I put it on youtube the voice is not in sync. I think it is becuase youtube doesn't work well with quicktime files, so I just got it converted to a avi format at University. I then took the file home and edited it in Windows Movie Maker 2 and saved it as a wmv.