E Fichna Journal

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Argument - Three page Script

Had to do a script based on a character around our age and gender, with two other characters. Also it had to be based on a crisis. I based it off my own with when i argue with my mum about the housework. Like I forget to do one thing and she brings up all the bad things I did in my life. Some not even related to housework,really makes my mad. As I wrote this I kind of but my feelings in to this.

The Argument

Scene 1. Living room.

Two girls are sitting on a sofa in a very light living room, with pink girly stuff everywhere. Both girls in around their 20’s are sitting on the sofa with a magazine placed on both their laps. They are talking about what on the page until a woman opens the door and looks in.

Tracey did you get the shopping today?

Still looking at the Magazine

I will later on

Danielle walks into the room.

But I need some tomatoes for my soup.

Tracey looks up at Danielle for 5 seconds and then looks back at her magazine, while the other girl sat next to her just looks at Tracey.

Well you’ll have to wait, I’m busy.

Danielle stands in front of Tracey and places her hands on her hips to make herself look more serious.

Busy!? You are such a lazy person!

Tracey looks up at Danielle.

Lazy!? Who did the hovering today?

Danielle is now talking in a louder voice.

Only today, you never do any thing around here and when you do it’s not till it’s very late in the evening.

Tracey passes the rest of the magazine to Cathy and stands up to face Danielle in the eyes.
You’re never here to see me do some. You are always running off with the nearest good looking lad you meet.

Cathy puts magazine down to the side and looks up at both of them.

Ok let’s just calm down and…..

Suddenly Danielle puts her hand up to silence Cathy, while still looking at Tracey in the eyes.


Puts hand down

I would like to hear what she’s trying to say.

You want me to say it, ok I will.

Tracey moved her face closer to Danielle’s face. She talks in a harsh whisper

You are a slut!

Danielle looks in shock at the other, like she can’t believe she said it. She tries to say something but couldn't and storms out of the room slamming the door behind her. Footstep are heard running up the stairs and then BANG of the door closing makes Tracey and Cathy both jump a bit with fright.

Cathy looks to Tracey really angrily and yells.


Tracey looks at with sad eyes and knows she has done wrong.

Oh man what have I done?

She sits back down on the sofa with her hand over her mouth.

I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.

Cathy sits back down next to her and crosses her arms. She talks to her very familiarly.

Well you did.

Tracey looks at Cathy and then back to the ground while removing her hand.

I better go and apologize to her.

Tracey starts to get up when Cathy places her hand on her shoulder to stop her.

You better leave her alone for a little bit. Let her calm down.

Tracey looks back down to the ground.

Ok, you’re right.

Cathy stands up and looks down at Tracey with a smile on her face.

Ok, now let’s go shopping.

She grabs on car keys from out of her pocket and grabs Tracey by the hand and drags her out in to the hallway that leads to the front door.

Scene 2. Hallway

Before they manage to get through the front door Tracey yells in protest as she’s being dragged.

Hey wait a minute! I haven’t gone my coat on!

Door slams shut.

Scene ends

Jools was happy with this, I can't remember excalty what he said, but he said I could easily make this in to a film. He also like how i explained what the characters what doing in each scene.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fuyucon 2007 Photographs

These are the photos I took at a anime convention in nottingham. This took place on Oct 20th. It was alot of fun, everyone there was very friendly. Hopefully I will be going to more next year. Planning on going to Amecon and Chibicon.

Anyway here are my photos. I put them on youtube for other fuyucon people to see and added music so it wouldn't be so boring. My friend Chris, who is design with a red ponytail was the most popular guy there, as you'll see from all the hugs in the photos.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Research for WSM (CCTV)

For this project we was asked to do a 3 minute movie based on the script that was provided to us. We went in to our groups and got everything sorted out. For our camera shots we decided on some CCTV point of view and some wide shots. I went on to youtube to look up some CCTV footage, but they all contain mainly violence so I can't put them up on here. So I had to put this fake on up.

Boy Being Attaked By Stuffed dog!

What I learned is that we need to have the camera at a top view perspective. The camera's quality for CCTV are always not as great as normal digital camcorders. So when we edit it we'll have to drop the resolution of the video. I think this was filmed by a normal camera and edited it to look like CCTV. They don't all need to be black and white. As shown here.


The camera can also be filmed in different parts of the same room, I think we could use this so that you can see what the character is doing from different angles. Like for example the man is at the shop paying for something and you see it from behind the register and then it filps to the front and you see him steal something in to his pocket, but the person behind the reister doesn't see it. This would help out alot with the story line.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

WSM Update

We final got sorted out what we want for this film. The theme we are going on is lost and isolation from rest of public. We haven’t quite worked out our camera angles, but we are going for CCTV kind of footage and wide shots. We are going to mainly film it in Nottingham. We haven’t booked the equipment yet because we need to know when our actor is going to be free, so we can set the times.

Monday, October 15, 2007

AVD Task 1

We was asked to watch 30 seconds from a movie of our choice. I choose my favourite movie 'Interview with the Vampire.'


The music was very calm and creepy at the same time. I like this because it keeps in theme of the horror movie.
The added sounds of the wildlife around him was a added touch to the scene and made you think whats is going on inside his head, as he spoke to you. When the music changes with the close up of the sunrise, it makes you feel like it's your last time seeing the sunrise, just like him.


Even though the sun is about to rise, it still looks very dark in this scene. It's to keep in theme of the movie being dark and scary. I like how you can just barely see the sun coming up. The twisted trees make the scene look busy and show what his mind is like at the moment.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Movie like game (Kingdom Hearts 2)

During the Holidays I finally brought a ps2, and this is the game I got with it. After just the first hour I was hooked on the storyline. It's like watching a movie you can interact with. This game continues a year on from the game boy advance game 'Chain of Memories'. All the games are linked to the same story.
The story starts with a character names Roxas, a young boy enjoying the last few days of summer vacation with his friends Hayner, Pence and Ollette. But during these few days’ loads of weird things happens to him, and creatures of white attacking him.

This takes you about 3 hours until you get to the main story, but if you skip the cut scenes, you get about half an hour of game play and spend the rest 2 and a half hours watching it. The environment they live in is prefect for the story. The town is called Twilight town, where the sky always looks like dawn. Also the railroads are all over the place, which gives you the feel of what the character is feeling, lost and confused.

One you finish Roxas story, you finally play the main character Sora, and his friend Donald and Goofy. With the Gummi ship you can travel to different Disney worlds. The worlds are made to look exactly like the Disney movies. It’s just amazing how they combine there own story with the Disney worlds and still keep the right feel of the game. What I also like about this game is they haven’t left a single detail out for the Disney moves.


Friday, October 12, 2007

Why Jools gave us this task (WSM)

The List for why we think Jools gave us the 'Inside outside task':

We believed Jools set us the task to see how we interact with someone else's work instead of developing our own idea.
To create an method of working
Break us into the second year
Establish individual peoples strengths and weakness
We can learn something that we could use in the future.